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Abhaava (अभाव )- absence of feeling / non-existence 

Abhedhya (अभेद्य )- indivisible

Abhibhava (अभिभव)- overpowering / subjugating

Abhijaata (अभिजात )- distinguished / noble / transparent

Abhinivesha (अभिनिवेष)- fear of death / extreme attachment to life

Abhivyakti (अभिव्यक्ति))- manifestation / revelation

Abhyantara (अभ्यन्तर)- internal

Abhyasa (अभ्यास)- continuous practice

Adarsha (आदर्श)- faculty of vision / wisdom

 Adhibhautika roga (अधिभौतिका रोग)- caused due to imbalances in the elements of the body

Adhidaivik roga (आधिदैविक रोग)- genetic / allergic

Adhigama (अधिगम)- to find/discover or acquire mastery

Adhimaatra (अधिमात्र)- intense / sharp in understanding

Adhimatratama (अधिमात्रतम)- supreme intense

Adhishthatratvam (अधिष्ठतृत्वम)- omnipotent

Adhvabheda (अध्वभेद)- conditioned differently

Aadhyah (आद्यः)- stands for

Adhyaasa (अध्यास)- superimposition

 Adhyaatma (अध्यात्म)- supreme soul

Adhyaatma Prasaadam (अध्यात्म प्रसादं)- sight of the soul

Aadhyaatmika roga (आध्यात्मिक रोग)- self inflicted / worldly

Aadi (आदि)- so forth

Aadini (आदिनी)- others

Aadishesha (आदिशेष)- the lord of serpents

Aadiyogi (आदियोगी)- lord Shiva

Adrishta (अदृष्ट)- invisible

Advaita (अद्वैत)- monism expounded by Guru Shankaracharya

Aagama (आगम)- spiritual doctrines testimony

Aham (अहं)- I

Ahamkaara (अहंकार)- ego / pride

Ahimsaa (अहिंसा)- non-violence

Ajna (आज्ञा)- point of energy center between the two eyebrows

Ajnaana (अज्ञान)- ignorance

Ajnaata (अज्ञात)- unknown

Aakaara (आकार)- form

Akaaranam (अकारणं)- no-accomplishment

Aakaasha (आकाश)- ether

Aklishtaa (अक्लिष्टा)- non-disturbing / non-painful

Akrama (अक्रम)- without sequence

Akrishna (अकृष्ण)- non black

Aalasya (आलस्य)- laziness

Alpam (अल्पं)- small

Amrita (अमृत)- nectar

Anaagata (अनागत)- the unknown

Anaahata (अनाहत)- unstruck

Aananda (आनंद)- bliss

Ananta (अनंत)- infinite

Anantaryam (अनन्तर्यं)- the uninterrupted sequence

Anaatma (अनात्मा )- non self

Anima (अणिमा)- as minute as an atom

Anishta (अनिष्ट)- undesirable

Antahakarana (अन्तःकरण)- conscience

Antaraanga (अन्तरांग)- internal

Antaraatma (अंतरात्मा)- universal self

Anubhuta (अनुभूत)- perception

Anumaana (अनुमान)- logic

Anushaasanam (अनुशासनं)- code of conduct

Anushthana (अनुष्ठान)- devoted practice

Aparaanta (अपरांत)- at the end

Aarambhavastha (आरंभावस्था)- beginner stage

Asampranaataa (असम्प्रज्ञाता)- non distinguishable state

Asanprayogah (असम्प्रयोगः)- not coming in contact

Asana (आसन)- physical posture

Asmitaa (अस्मिता)- pride

Aashrama (आश्रम)- stages of life / hermitage

Ashtaanga yoga (अष्टांग योग)- eightfold path of yoga

Ashta siddhi (अष्ट सिद्धिः )- eight supernatural powers

Asthi (अस्थि )- bones

Ashuddhi (अशुद्धि)- impurities

Ashukla (अशुक्ल)- non white

Atala (अटल)- one of the 7 paataala, neither world nor lower region

Aatman (आत्मन)- individual soul

Aatmabhaava (आत्मभाव)- feeling the soul

Aatmabeeja (आत्मबीज)- seed of the soul

Aatmadarshana (आत्मदर्शन)- reflection of the soul

Aatmajnana (आत्मज्ञान)- knowledge of the self

Aatmayoti (आत्मज्योति)- light of the soul

Aushadha / aushadhi (औषधि)- herb

Aavarana (आवरण)- veil

Avasthaa (अवस्था)- condition

Avasthaanam (अवस्थानम)- stand/rest/dwell/reside/abide

Aaveshah (आवेशः)- occupation/entrance

Avidyaa (अविद्या)- ignorance

Aviplavaa (अविप्ल्वा)- unfluctuating/undisturbed

Avirati (अविरति)- desires/gratification

Avishayi (अविषयी)- unperceived

Avishesha (अविशेषा)- the glory or the essence of knowledge

Avyapadeshya (अव्यपदेष्य)- latent/lying in potential form 

Aayaama (आयाम)- ascension / expansion

Aayu (आयुः)- span of life

Aayurveda (आयुर्वेद)- science of health and lifestyle

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