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Eka (एक)- singular / one 

Ekaagra (एकाग्र)- one pointed attention

Ekaagrataa (एकाग्रता)- one pointed attention on an individual self

Ekaagrataa parinaama (एकाग्रता परिणाम)- mode of transformation towards one pontedness attention

Ek rupatva (एक रुपत्व )- one in form

Ek samaya (एक समय)- same time

Ekataanataa (एकतानता)- uninterrupted flow of attentive awareness

Ekaatmataa (एकात्मता)- having same nature

Ekaadashi (एकादशी)- 11th day of the moon’s phase, rising phase of the moon which has a very high impact on the mind and the body 

Ekatra (एकत्र)- joint

Ekatvaat (एकत्वात)- due to oneness

Ekendriya (एकेन्द्रिय)- one sense

Eesh (ईश)- God

Eshaam (एषाम)- of this

Etena (एतेन)- by this

Eva (एव)- also / alone / only

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