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Jaatyantara parinaama (जात्यंतर परिणाम)- transformation in the state of birth

Jaagrata (जाग्रत)- wakefulness / conscious

Jaagrataavastha (जाग्रतावस्था)- wakeful state

Jada (जड़)- cold / slow / dull / foolish / unemotional

Jada bhaarat (जड़ भारत)- name of a sage

Jada chitta (जड़ चित्त)- unintelligent or dull state of consciousness

Jah (जः)- born

Jala (जल)- water

Jala neti (जल नेती )- nasal cleansing shatkarma

Jalandhara bandha (जालंधर बंध)- throat lock

Janma (जन्म)- birth / existence / life 

Japa (जप)- continuous repetition of a mantra

Jaya (जय)- conquest / mastery

Jaayante (जायन्ते)- produced

Jayavantiyaambikaa (जयवंतियाम्बिका)- Jada Bharata’s mother

Jihva (जिह्वा)- tongue

Jihva Dhauti (जिह्वा धौति)- tongue cleansing shatkarma

Jihvaagra (जिह्वाग्र)- root of the tongue

Jijnaasaa / jigyaasaa (जिज्ञासा)- to know / to enquire

Jiva (जीव)- individual soul

Jivaamrita (जीवामृत)- nectar of life

Jivaatmaa (जीवात्मा)- the living or individual soul enshrined in the human body, the vital principle, life principle that renders the body capable of motion and sensation

Jivan Mukta (जीवन मुक्त)- liberated soul / one who has attained samadhi

Jivan mukti (जीवन मुक्ति)- state of consciousness during final samadhi, one who continues to live in the world with knowledge of that experience

Jnaana / gyaana (ज्ञान)- knowledge / wisdom

Jnaana gangaa (ज्ञान गंगा)- river of knowledge

Jnaanamaarga (ज्ञानमार्ग)- path of knowledge

Jnaana Mudra (ज्ञान मुद्रा)- psychic gesture of knowledge

Jnaana Yoga (ज्ञान योग)- yoga of knowledge

Jnaanendriyaa (ज्ञानेन्द्रियाँ)- sense of perception

Jnaaneshvara (ज्ञानेश्वर)- 13th century saint of Maharashtra

Jnaani / gyaani (ग्यानी)- wise person

Jnaataa / gyaataa (ज्ञाता)- known / perceived / understood

Jneyam (ज्ञेयं)- the state of being cognizable

Jugupsaa (जुगुप्सा)- disgust / censure / abuse / reproach

Jvalanam (ज्वलनं)- shining / blazing / burning

Jyoti (ज्योति)- light

Jyotishi (ज्योतिषी)- astrologer 

Jyotishmati (ज्योतिष्मति)- luminous / brilliant

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