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Mada (मद) - pride

Madhu (मधु) - sweet / pleasant / agreeable / delightful

Madhu bhumikaa (मधु भूमिका) - yogin of second order

Madhva (मध्व) - the expounder of Dvaita philosophy, around 13th century

Madhyama (मध्यम) - moderate

Madhyama naada (मध्यम नाद) - subtle sound vibrations

Madhyama naadi (मध्यम नाड़ी) - central psychic channel / sushumna

Madhyama nauli (मध्यम नौलि) - shatkarma involving the contraction and isolation of the rectus abdomini muscles in the middle of the abdomen

Mahaa (महा) - great

Mahaa bandha (महा बंध) - the great lock ( chin lock + abdominal lock + root lock with retention)

Maha mudraa (महा मुद्रा) - the great gesture, practiced in Hatha Yoga and Kriya Yoga, includes practicing the moola bandha, shyambhavi and khechari mudras simultaneously

Mahaa naadi (महा नाड़ी) - the great nadi / Sushumna

Mahaa nirvana tantra (महा निर्वाण तंत्र) - one of the 64 tantras, on the practice of Kaula maarg tantra for householders

Mahaa siddha (महा सिद्ध) - great perfectionist / one who has achieved great paranormal and psychic powers  

Mahaa vedha mudraa (महा वेध मुद्रा) - great piercing attitude / beating the buttocks in siddhasana and shambhavi mudra, a great practice of Hatha Yoga

Mahaa yuga (महा युग) - a combination of the four yogas or ages 

Mahaabhaasya (महाभास्य) - a treatise on grammar

Mahaloka (महालोक) - one of the aerial regions

Mahat (महत) - great / mighty / cosmic intelligence / universal consciousness

Mahaatmaa (महात्मा) - great soul

Mahaavideha (महाविदेह) - great discarnation

Mahaavidyaa (महाविद्या) - exalted knowledge

Mahaavratam (महाव्रतम) - mighty vow

Mahimaa (महिमा) - glory / one of the eight supernatural powers / being able to increase in size at will

Maitri (मैत्री) - friendliness

Maithuna (मैथून) - intercoarse between a man and a woman in order to awaken the kundalini shakti, the fifth element of the pancha makar of kaulachara tantra

Majjaa (मज्जा) - marrow / one of the seven constituents of the body

Makar (मकर) - crocodile / tantrik practice of vama maarg tantra

Makarasana (मकरासन) - crocodile pose

Mala (मल) - impurities

Maamsa (माम्स) - flesh / one of the seven constituents of the body

Manas (मनस) - mind

Manasaa (मनसा) - thought

Manas chakra (मनस चक्र) - seat of the mind

Mandana mishra (मंडन मिश्र) - a follower of Purva Mimamsa, known as Karma kaanda

Maandavya (माण्डव्य) - sage who had supernatural powers

Mani (मणि) - jewel / gem / a flawless crystal

Manipuraka / Manipura Chakra (मणिपूरक/ मणिपुर चक्र) - energy centre at the navel region

Manojavitvam (मनोजवित्वं) - speed or quickness of mind

Manogyaana / manojnana (मनोज्ञान) - knowledge of the mind

Manolaya (मनोलय) - alert passive state of mind

Manomaya kosha (मनोमय कोष) - mental sheath

Manoprajna (मनोप्रज्ञा) - awareness of mind

Manovritti (मनोवृत्ति) - thought waves

Mantra (मन्त्र) - incantation / subtle sound vibration / practice of tantra for liberating energy and expanding consciousness from the limitations of mundane awareness 

Manushya (मनुष्य) - human

Maarga (मार्ग) - path

Maatra (मात्र) - alone / only

Maaruta (मारुत) - wind / prana vayu

Maatsarya (मात्सर्य) - malice

Matsya (मत्स्य) - fish

Matsyendranaatha (मत्स्येन्द्रनाथ) - Father of Hatha Yoga

Maayaa (माया) - the illusory nature of the phenomenal world / veiling power of manifest shakti

Mayur (मयूर) - peacock

Mayurasana (मयूरासन) - peacock pose / advanced balancing posture of Hatha Yoga

Meda (मेद) - fat / one of the seven constituents of the body

Meru (मेरु) - name of a mountain / a famous mythological mountain comparable to Mount Olympus in Greece, also known as Sumeru - the Abode of the Gods

Merudanda (मेरुदंड) - human spinal colomn

Mithyaa jnana (मिथ्या ज्ञान) - false knowledge

Moha (मोह) - infatuation / delusion / frenzy

Mridu (मृदु) - mild / feeble

Muda (मूड़) - stupid / dull / ignorant

Muditaa (मुदिता) - joy

Mudraa (मुद्रा) - gesture / seal / practice in Hatha yoga

Mukta (मुक्त) - liberated

Mukti (मुक्ति) - liberation

Mula (मूल) - root

Mula Bandha (मूल बंध) - root lock

Mulaadhaara chakra (मूलाधार चक्र ) - lowest energy centre / at the root of the spine

Mula prakriti (मूल प्रकृति) - root of nature

Mula shodhana (मूल शोधन) - anal cleansing / practice of dhauti shatkarma

Mundakopanishad (मुण्डकोपनिषद) - one of the ten major Upanishad

Muni (मुनि) - an ascetic / the silent one

Murchha pranayama (मुर्छ प्राणायाम) - fainting or swooning breath, where the breath is inhaled slowly and retained for an extended period.

Murdha (मूर्ध) - head / top

Murdhajyoti (मूर्धज्योति) - energy centre at the seat of Ajna Chakra

Murdhani (मूर्धनि) - centre of the head

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