Na (न) - not
Naabhi (नाभि) - navel
Naabhi chakra (नाभि चक्र) - manipura chakra / energy centre at the navel
Naada (नाद) - unstruck sound / the subtle vibration created by the union of Shiva and Shakti tattva
Naadi (नाड़ी) - psychic energy channel through which the prana shakti flows
Naadi shodhana pranayama (नाड़ी शोधन प्राणायाम) - alternate nostril breathing, for balancing the ida and pingala nadis, the flow of prana shakti and breath purification
Naaga vayu (नाग वायु) - the upa-prana responsible for burp and hiccups
Nama (नम) - name / gross sound
Nasaagra / naasikaagra (नसाग्र / नासिकाग्र) - nosetip
Nasaagra drishti / naasikaagra drishti (नसाग्र दृष्टि/ नासिकाग्र दृष्टि) - gazing at the nose tip
Nasaagra mudra / naasikaagra mudra (नसाग्र मुद्रा/ नासिकाग्र मुद्रा) - hand position adopted during alternate nostril breathing
Naatha ((नाथ) - lord
Nauli (नौलि) - shatkarma involving the contraction and isolation of rectus abdomini muscles
Nahusha (नहूष) - king who became the lord of heaven
Nandi (नंदी) - vehicle of lord Shiva / son of Kaamadhenu
Naarad (नारद) - sage and author of aphorisms of bhakti - naarada bhakti sutra
Nar - naaraayan (नर नारायण) - son of dharma and grandson of Brahma
Narsimhaa (नरसिम्हा) - incarnation of lord Vishnu as half lion and half man
Nashtam (नष्टं) - lost / destroyed
Neti (नेती) - shatkarma for nasal cleansing
Nibandhani (निबंधनी) - foundation / origin
Nidraa (निद्रा) - sleep state
Nigama (निगम) - part of Tantra Shaastra where Shakti instructs Shiva, relevant scriptures in Kaali Yug,
present age
Nimittam (निमित्तं) - efficient cause
Nirlamba (निर्लम्ब) - unsupported
Nirantara (निरंतर) - without interruption
Nirbhaasam (निर्भासं) - shining / appearing
Nirnija (निर्बीज) - seedless / without seed
Nirgraahya (निर्ग्राह्य) - distinctly recognizable
Nirmaana (निर्माण) - creating / fabricating
Nirmaana chitta (निर्माण चित्त) - cultured consciousness
Nirmita (निर्मित) - measured out / formed / made / created
Nirmita chitta (निर्मित चित्त) - created or cultivated consciousness
Nirodha (निरोध) - restraint / check / obstruct
Nirodha chitta (निरोध चित्त) - restraining consciousness
Nirodha kshana (निरोध क्षण) - moment of restraint
Nirodha parinaama (निरोध परिणाम) - transformation towards restraint
Nirodha samskaara (निरोध संस्कार) - suppression of emerging thought waves
Niruddha (निरुद्ध) - obstructed / stopped / restrained
Nirupakrama (निरुपक्रम) - actions that do not give quick results
Nirvaan (निर्वाण) - highest level of samadhi, in which only subconscious remains
Nirvicaara (निर्विकार) - without reflection
Nirvitarka (निर्वितर्क) - without analysis
Nishpatti avasthaa (निष्पत्ति अवस्था) - state of becoming one with body mind and self
Nitya (नित्य) - eternal
Nivrtti (निवृत्ति) - resigning / cessation / abstinence
Nivrtti maarga (निवृत्ति मार्ग) - path of abstention from worldly concerns or engagements
Niyama (नियम) - moral codes of conduct / second of the eight limbs of Patanjali - purity, contentment, self-discipline, self-study and surrender to God
Nyaaya (न्याय) - logic, a branch of Indian Philosophy
Nyaasaat (न्यासात) - directing / projecting / extending