Tatra niratishayam sarvajnabijam.
तत्र निरतिशयं सर्वज्ञबीजम् ॥१.२५॥
Tatra niratiśayaṁ sarvajñabi̅jam ||1.25||
God is the source from which all Knowledge sprouts.

Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels
There is a famous shloka in Yajur Veda “Yat Pinde, Tat Bhramande, Yatha Bhramande Tath Pinde” – which literally translated means “So is an individual body and so is the cosmos, so is the cosmos and so is an individual body.” Here the individual body is not limited to a human body, or the body of an organism, but also refers to the fundamental unit of matter – an atom. The shloka means that if one gains complete knowledge of just one particle of this universe, one will gain the complete knowledge about the entire universe. The microcosm and macrocosm are one fundamentally, no matter how they manifest or act in nature.
The modern theories of the cosmos like String Theory theorize that the entire universe is just one particle at the core of every atom vibrating at different frequencies and manifesting as matter because a consciousness perceives it and causes it to manifest. Modern Science is still trying its best to find the Theory of Everything. The Upanishads gave the same concept including the Theory of Everything with a different terminology – the manifested matter due to perception is called Maya. The different vibrations, forces and celestial phenomena became different Gods (Devtas and Devis) and their attributes. The consciousness behind the creation is Brahman and it pervades what has manifested as the universe - different objects and energies and bodies and pervades it. It is the seed from the entire creation has burst forth and unto which it dissolves. Maharishi Patanjali says similarly that God is omniscient – it is all knowing and the source of all knowledge. There is nothing beyond God.