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1.3 Coming Home

Updated: Dec 16, 2021


Tada Drashtu Svarupe Awasthanam.

तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरुपेऽवस्थानम् ।।१.३।।

Tadā draṣṭuḥ svaru̅pe’vastha̅nam. ||1.3||

The seer (the being) gets established in his true nature.

Once the vrittis do not affect a person, the consciousness is rid of the layers of ego, duality, desires, and identification with individuality. Then, a state of lasting peace, focus and joy dawns which is the fundamental nature in which one gets established unwaveringly.

It is key to note that the word “avastha̅nam” is used here: it is not that one is creating such a state, one is realizing such a state by becoming immune to the disturbances of the consciousness and allowing the consciousness to achieve its original state. The state of Kaivalya, that is said to be the goal of Yoga, is said to be achieved after consciousness becomes pure.

The knowledge of the vrittis is more academic than spiritual. At different stages of life, different vrittis will arise (and should arise). Ambition is important. Pride build character. There will be desires that must be fulfilled, otherwise the mind won't settle down in any activity. As my yoga teacher, Yogacharaya Krishan Verma ji says, the knowledge of the vrittis is for the scholars who wish to discuss and debate the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and are not experiencing Yoga. One must have the clarity to understand what vritti is benefitting us at a point of time to function in the mundane world, and must be able to discard the other vrittis. In, essence, one must be able to use the mind as a tool to build a good life.

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