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Taa (ता) - they

Tad (तद) - their / its / from that

Tadaa (तदा) - then / at that time

Tadanjanataa (तदंजनता) - taking the shape of the seer or the known

Tadaarthah (तदार्थः) - for that sake / for that purpose

Tadaasana (तड़ासन) - the palm tree pose

Tadeva (तदेव) - the same

Tajjah (तज्जः) - born from / sprung from

Talaatala (तलातल) - one of the seven world in nether region

Tamas (तमस) - inertia / darkness

Taamasic (तामसिक) - one of the three gunas of nature / inertia

Tanmaatraa (तन्मात्रा) - subtle or primary principle of mind from which pancha tattva arise - gandha(smell), rasa(taste), roopa(form), sparsha(touch/feel), shabda(sound)

Tantram (तन्त्रम) - dependent

Tanu (तनु) - thin / attenuated

Tanukaranaarthah (तनूकरणार्थः) - reducing for the purpose of thinning / weakening

Tanumaanasaa (तनुमानसा) - disappearance of memory and mind

Taapa (ताप) - pain / sorrow / heat

Tapas (तपस) - austerity / penance / spiritual practice / devoted discipline / religious fervour

Tapoloka (तपोलोक) - one of the seven aerial worlds

Taaraa (तारा) - stars

Taarakam (तारकम) - shining / clear

Taasaam (तासां) - those

Tasmin (तस्मिन्) - on this

Tasya (तस्य) - in conjunction / its / that / him / his

Tat (तत) - it / that / his / their

Tatah (ततः) - from that / then / thence / therefore

Tathaa (तथा) - all the same

Tatparam (तत्परं) - the highest / the purest / the supreme

Tatprabhoh (तत्प्रभोः) - of its lord

Tatra (तत्र) - there / of these

Tatstha (तत्स्थ) - becoming stable

Tattva (तत्त्व) - principle / real state / reality / truth / essence

Tayoh (तयोः) - there / of the two

Te (ते) - these / they

Tejas ((तेजस) - fire / lustre / brilliance

Tejastattva (तेजस्तत्त्व) - element of fire

Tha (ठ) - consciousness or chitta as moon / one that waxes and wanes

Tirumangai aalwaar (तिरुमंगई आळ्वार) - a devotee from South India, 8th Century AD, who build the temple of Shri Ranganaatha at Shrirangam by the bank of Kaveri near Trichy

Tiryaka bhujangaasana (तिर्यक भुजंगासन) - twisting cobra pose

Tiryaka Tadaasana (तिर्यक तड़ासन) - swaying palm tree pose

Tithi (तिथि) - date / day of moon’s phase  

Tivra (तीव्र) - vehement / intense / sharp / supreme

Traya (त्रय) - three

Traatak (त्रातक) - shatkarma for cleansing of the eyes and clearing the past impressions

Tretaa yuga (त्रेता युग) - second of the cycles in the day of Brahma, in which man becomes less spiritually inclined and less motivated / period of 1,296,000.

Tridosha (त्रिदोष) - disorders of the three humours of the body - bile, blood and phlegm

Trimurthi (त्रिमूर्ति) - the triad of Brahma (creator) Vishnu (protector) and Shiva (Destroyer)

Triveni (त्रिवेणी) - the confluence of ajna chakra where ida, pingala and sushumna merge

Trividham (त्रिविधं) - threefold

Tu (तू)) - and / but

Tukaaraam (तुकाराम) - a 17th century saint of Maharashtra 

Tul (तुल) - cotton fibre

Tulya (तुल्य) - equal / exactly similar

Turyaavasthaa (तूर्यावस्था) - the fourth state of consciousness / kaivalya

Twak / Twacha (त्वक / त्वचा) - skin / one of the jnaanendriyaas / perception through touch or feeling

Tyaaga (त्याग) - abandonment / renunciation

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