Vaa (वा) - or / an option / alternatively
Vaachaa (वाचा) - speech
Vaachakah (वाचकः) - connoting / denoting / sign / signifying
Vaachaspati mishra (वाचस्पति मिश्र) - a great scholar of 6th century who wrote a glossary on Vyasa’s commentary of Yoga Sutras
Vaahi (वाही) - current
Vaahini / vaahita (वाहिनी / वाहित) - flow
Vahnisaar dhauti (वह्निसार धौति) - shatkarma in which the abdomen is drawn in and out rapidly
Vaikhari naada (वैखरी नाद) - gross sound and letters
Vaira (वैर) - hostility
Vairaagya (वैराग्य) - renunciation / detachment / dispassion
Vairaagi (वैरागी) - a renunciate
Vairaagya maarga (वैराग्य मार्ग) - path of renunciation or detachment
Vaishaaradye (वैशारद्ये) - skillfulness / profound knowledge / undisturbed pure flow
Vaishya (वैश्य) - merchant class / one of the four varnas or class of Hinduism
Vajra (वज्र) - diamond / hard
Vajraasana (वज्रासन) - thunderbolt or kneeling pose
Vajra naadi (वज्र नाड़ी) - second layer of sushumna / the nadi governing the male sexual organ and process
Vajroli mudra (वज्रोली मुद्रा) - thunderbolt attitude in which the muscles of the male sexual organ and the lower urinary tract are contracted in order to redirect the sexual energy upwards / a practice of tantra and hatha yoga
Vaak (वाक्) - power of speech
Vallabha (वल्लभ) - a 16th century acharya from South India who believed in pure monism
Vaama (वाम) - left / contrary / opposite
Vaamaachaara (वामाचार) - one who follows the practice and doctrines of the vama marga tantra, including sexual interaction where wife is considered the guru
Vaamadeva (वामदेव) - a sage
Vaama maarga (वाम मार्ग) - commonly known as the left hand path of tantra, as opposed to dakshina maarga, the path of spiritual unfoldment which includes the pancha makar sadhana
Vaama nauli (वाम नौलि) - left side abdominal massage in which rectus abdomini muscles are contractedand isolated of the left side of the abdomen
Vaama swara (वाम स्वर) - flow of breath in left nostril
Vaaman Dhauti (वामन धौति) - shatkarma of cleansing the stomach through voluntary vomiting, of two types - Kunjal (regurgitating of water) and vyagraha (regurgitation of food)
Vaanaprastha (वानप्रस्थ) - the third stage of life during which one begins to learn non attachment while being in the family
Vaarthaah (वार्थाः) - faculty of smell
Vaasanaa (वासना) - desires / impressions
Varanam (वरणम) - veil / obstacles
Varna (वर्ण) - a color / a cover / an adobe / a kind / a quality / four orders of life according to different stages of evolution in men
Varna dharma (वर्ण धर्म) - duties of communities
Varisara dhauti (वरिसर धौति) - name for Shankhaprakshalana, shatkarma for cleansing of entire digestive tract
Vashikaara (वशीकार) - freeing oneself from craving / bringing into subjugation
Vashikaara prajnaa (वशीकार प्रज्ञा) - knowing the ways to subjugate desires
Vasishta (वसिष्ट) - a brahmarshi or sage
Vashitva (वशित्व) - the power to subjugate anyone or anything / one of the supernatural powers
Vastra dhauti (वस्त्र धौति) - shatkarma in which a special prepared cloth is swallowed to clean excess mucus from the stomach
Vastu (वस्तु) - thing / substance / object
Vastushunya (वस्तुशून्यः) - devoid of substance / devoid of things
Vashyataa (वश्यता) - air / one of the five elements of nature
Vaata (वात) - one of the three doshas, wind
Vatsara dhauti (वत्सर धौति) - similar to plavini pranayama, but the swallowed air is belched out instead of retaining
Vaayu (वायु) - air / wind
Vaayu tattva (वायु तत्त्व) - one of the pancha mahabhuta
Veda (वेद) - sacred scriptures of Hindu religion
Vedanta (वेदना) - faculty of touch
Vedaniyah (वेदनीयः) - to be known / to be experienced
Vedaanta (वेदान्त) - the final part or the end of Vedas / considered as Uttara(later) Mimaamsaa
Veera (वीर) - hero
Veerasana (वीरासन) - the hero’s pose
Vibhaktah (विभक्तः) - separate / different / partition
Vibhuti (विभूति) - powers / properties of yoga
Vibhuti Paada (विभूति पाद) - third part of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which deals with properties of yoga
Vichaara (विचार) - reason / synthesis / discrimination
Vichaaranaa (विचारणा) - right reflection
Vichaara asamprajnaata samaadhi (विचार असम्प्रज्ञात समाधी ) - vichaara samadhi in which there is unconscious supraconscious, the negative phase of vichaara samprajnaata samadhi
Vichaara samprajnaata samaadhi (विचार सम्प्रज्ञात समाधी ) - second stage of samadhi or superconsciousness in which there is no confusion of the witness, witnessed or the process of witnessing, there is thought existing but not in form of language
Vichaara prajnaa (विचार प्रज्ञा) - differentiating knowledge of refinement
Vicchedah (विच्छेदः) - cessation / stoppage / interruption
Vicchinna (विच्छिन्न) - interrupted
Videha (विदेह) - existing without body / incorporeal
Vidhaaranaabhyaam (विधारणाभ्यां) - maintaining / holding / restraining
Vidura (विदुर) - son of Vyaasa and adviser to Dhritarashtra in Mahabharat
Vidushah (विदुषः) - a wise man / a scholar
Vidyaa (विद्या) - discriminative knowledge
Vigraha (विग्रह) - idol ( mula vigraha मूल विग्रह - base idol, utsava vigraha उत्सव विग्रह - replica of base idol)
Vijnaana (विज्ञान) - discerning knowledge
Vijnaana bhikshu (विज्ञान भिक्षु) - the great scholar, author of yoga vaartika, commentary on yoga sutras
Vijnaana jnaana (विज्ञान ज्ञान) - stability in intelligence
Vijnaanamaya kosha (विज्ञानमय कोष) - the intellectual or discriminative body
Vikalpa (विकल्प) - imagination / fancy
Vikaranaabhaavah (विकरणाभावः) - knowledge gained without the help of the senses / freedom from the sense of perception
Vikshepa (विक्षेप) - distraction
Vikshipta (विक्षिप्त) - agitated / scattered
Viniyogah (विनियोगः) - application
Vipaaka (विपाक) - ripe / mature / result / fruition
Viparyaya (विपर्यय) - perverse / contrary / unreal / cognition
Viprakrshta (विप्रकृष्ट) - distant
Viraama (विराम) - cessation / rest / repose / pause
Virodhaat (विरोधात) - obstruction / on account of / opposite
Virya (वीर्य) - vigour / energy / courage / potency / valour
Vishaya (विषय) - an object of sense / object / matter / region / sphere / reference / aim / realm
Vishayavati (विषयावती) - attached to object / related to
Vishesha (विशेष) - peculiar / specially itself / particular / distinction
Vishesha darshinah (विशेष दार्शिनः) - distinction of seer
Vishesha vidhi (विशेष विधि) - special injunctions
Vishnu (विष्णु) - second deity of the Hindu triad / sustainer or protector of the universe
Vishnu granthi (विष्णु ग्रंथि) - psychic knot in anahata chakra,
Vishoka (विशोक) - sorrowless effulgent light
Vishuddhi chakra (विशुद्धि चक्र) - energy centre situated behind the throat region
Vitala (वितल) - one of the nether worlds
Vitaraaga (वीतराग) - free from desires
Vitarka (वितर्क) - analytical thinking / being engrossed in analytical study
Vitarka asamprajnaata samaadhi (वितर्क असम्प्रज्ञात समाधी) - negative phase of vitarka samadhi, unconscious supraconsciousness in which there is no language
Vitarka samprajnaata samaadhi (वितर्क सम्प्रज्ञात समाधी ) - first stage of samadhi according to sage Patanjali, in which there is states of witness, witnessed and witnessing remains confused thought exists in form of language
Vitarka baadhana (वितर्क बाधन) - dubious knowledge / obstruction to analytical thinking
Vitarka prajnaa (वितर्क प्रज्ञा) - intellectual analysis
Vitrshna (वितृष्ण) - freedom from desires / contentment
Viveka (विवेक) - discrimination / discriminative understanding
Vivekaja jnaanam (विवेकज ज्ञानं) - exalted knowledge / exalted intelligence / sacred spiritual knowledge
Viveka khyaati (विवेक ख्याति) - discriminative intelligence / crown of wisdom
Vivekanimnam (विवेकनिम्नं) - flow of exalted intelligence in consciousness
Viveki (विवेकी) - one who distinguishes and separates the indivisible soul from visible world
Vivekinah (विवेकिनः) - the enlightened / man of discrimination
Vrata (व्रत) - spiritual vow or practice / fasting
Vrtti (वृत्ति) - waves / movements / changes / functions / operations / conditions of actions / conduct of consciousness
Vyaadhi (व्याधि) - disease / physical disease
Vyaakhyaataa (व्याख्याता) - related / narrated / explained / expounded / commented upon / described
Vyakta (व्यक्त) - manifest
Vyaana (व्यान) - one of the vital vayus that pervades the entire body
Vyaasa (व्यास) - a sage / author of Vyaasa Bhaasya, the oldest commentary on Yoga Sutras
Vyatireka (व्यतिरेक) - keeping away from desires
Vyavahita (व्यवहित) - concealed
Vyavahitaanaam (व्यवहितानाम) - separated
Vyavasaayaatmik buddhi (व्यवसायात्मिक बुद्धि) - experienced subjective knowledge
Vyuha (व्यूह) - galaxy / orderly arrangement of a system / disposition
Vyutkarma kapaalbhaati (व्युत्कर्म कपालभाति) - the practice of sucking water through nose and throwing out through mouth
Vyutthaana (व्युत्थान) - emergence of thoughts / rising thoughts / outgoing mind